
About the fund



The Design Fund adheres to the Ministry of Culture and Business affairs, and its annual balance is determined by parliament. The Design Fund is managed by Iceland Design and Architecture.
The role of the Design Fund is to promote innovation and value creation in the field of design and architecture with financial support and advice, and facilitate promotion and marketing abroad that enhances the export of Icelandic design.

The board of the design fund assesses the eligibility of applications and decides on their processing.

A five-member board is appointed for three years at a time. The current board of the design fund consists of: Guðrún Inga Ingólfsdóttir,  chairman, appointed by the Minister of Culture and Business affairs, Steinunn Vala Sigfúsdóttir, appointed by the Minister of Culture and Business affairs, Helgi Steinar Helgason, architect, Friðrik Steinn Friðriksson, product designer and Snæfríð Þorsteins, graphic designer are appointed by the board of the Iceland Design and Architecture in accordance with the rules on the Design Fund from 13 February 2013, see here and the allocation rules from 21 June 2013 apply to it.


Development and research grants
are intended to support research and the development of new ideas or solutions. A project which has already received a development and research grant has a possibility of receiving a project grant at a later stage.

Project grants
are intended to support new ideas or solutions which have been developed and shaped and have reached implementation or production stage. A project that has received a project grant has the possibility of receiving a marketing and communications grant later.

General grants can amount to a maximum of 10 million ISK

Travel grants
are intended to support designers and architects in taking part in international cooperation and promotional projects, exhibitions, events, conferences or business planning. It is possible to apply for a travel grant for one individual or more for the same trip. Thirty travel grants altogether will be awarded for the amount of 150.000 ISK each.


In the application all texts should be short, concise, and avoid repetitions. Please note that the text “project in a nutshell” in the application format will be published on the website and can follow the project long term, so make sure to be precise.

We encourage applicants to deliver graphical data in support in the application and recommend combining information, graphical data and cost estimates in one attachment. The word count is restricted in the application process.

Applications for development and research grants, project grants and marketing and promotion grants are divided into five steps:

Step 0 | Registration of applicants
Basic information about applicants / applicants is requested. The applicant creates a username and password. Confirmation of the username and password will be sent to the applicant by e-mail, so more people can be involved in the processing of the study.

Step 1 | About the project
The applicant states what kind of grant is applied for as well as further elaboration of the project. It is important to provide clear and concise information. Please note that applicants must complete all parts of the application, it is not sufficient to cite supporting documents or refer to the website with the exception of step 5.

Step 2 | Project plan and information about candidates
The applicant states the planned start and end of the project together with the main components and partners. Applicants must notify the partners who have agreed to participate in the project (if applicable). In this step, applicants are given the opportunity to upload resumes in pdf format. Uniqueness and presentation of the project: Here, applicants must specify the uniqueness of the project as well as its value and importance for the promotion, development, and innovation in the field of Icelandic design and architecture. Applicants must also present the project’s presentation plan.

Skref 3 | Specification and PR plan for the project
Here applicants must specify the specificity of the project as well as the value and importance of strengthening, development, and innovation in the field of Icelandic design and architecture. Applicants should also account for the project´s promotional plan.

Step 4 | Costs and financing
Here you need the total cost of the project, work components and grants. In this step, applicants are given the opportunity to upload a cost estimate to xls. or pdf format. Attention should be drawn to the fact that the fund provides a maximum grant in the amount of ISK 10 million, but never more than half (50%) of the project’s cost estimate.

Step 5 | Additional information
Here, applicants are given the opportunity to submit supporting documents up to 10MB. The maximum number of attachments is 5. In this section you can also add links to videos.

Information is automatically saved after each step.

The Design Fund does not accept documents other than those that appear in an electronic application.


Each travel grant that will be awarded is in the amount of ISK 150,000. If there is more than one passenger, it is possible to increase the number of passengers in each application and the grant amount is ISK 150,000 per passenger if the application receives a grant.

The application for a travel grant is divided into four steps:

Step 0 | Registration of the applicant(s)
Basic information about the applicant(s) is requested. The applicant creates a username and password. Confirmation of username and password will be sent to the applicant with a password will be sent to the applicant by e-mail, so more people can be involved in the processing of the application.

Step 1 | About the project
The applicant reports on the project and destination. It is important to provide clear and concise information. Please note that applicant(s) must complete all parts of the application, it is not sufficient to cite supporting documents or refer to the website with the exception of step 4.

Step 2 | Information about participants
The applicant discloses information about the project´s participants, estimated departure and arrival. Applicants must specify the partners (f. ex invitation to participate in events) who have approved participation in the project. In this step, applicants are given the opportunity to upload CV´s per PDF format.

Step 3 I Budget and financing for travel
Total costs must be specified as well as breakdown of projected costs and sponsors. In this step, applicants are given the opportunity to upload the budget of XLS or PDF format. It should be noted that travel grants are ISK 150,000 per passenger specified in the application.

Step 4 | Additional information
Here, applicants are given the opportunity to submit supporting documents up to 10MB. The maximum number of attachments is 5. In this section you can also add links to videos.
Information is automatically saved after each step.

The Design Fund does not accept documents other than those that appear in an electronic application.


The board of the Design Fund assesses the eligibility of applications and decides on their processing. The board’s assessment is based upon the following views:

  • The quality and value of the idea, concept or project
  • The professional background of the applicant(s)
  • The financial basis of the project
  • The value and importance of the project for Icelandic design and architecture

Grants can amount to up to 10 million ISK. The design fund grants funds for a maximum of 50% of the cost of a project.

No grants are awarded for the operation and administration of associations, companies or institutions, for projects that are considered to be regular activities of a designer or company, nor for projects or events that have been carried out. The fund follows general rules on disqualification and all applications will be treated as confidential. All applicants will be answered by email. When the allocation is available, a press release about the grants will be published on the fund’s website All applications and supporting documents must be submitted electronically. Applications received after the application deadline has expired will not be considered by the fund.


Beneficiaries must report the disposition of the grant within three months of the completion of the project. The final payment of the grant amount will not be made until the board of the design fund has received a final report on the project.

If the applicant has previously been granted funding from the Design Fund, a final report for the grant must have been received before a new application is considered.

The Design Fund reserves the right to use information and footage about projects that have received grants to promote the fund in collaboration with grant recipients and taking into account the Copyright Act.

The final report is submitted electronically, a form can be found on the design fund’s website.


1. Role and organization
The role of the Design Fund is to promote innovation and value creation in the field of Icelandic design and architecture with financial support. The fund also sponsors promotions and marketing work abroad, which promotes increased exports of Icelandic design.

The Design Fund emphasizes four main categories and the board of the fund determines the share of total capital in each category at a time.
a. development and research grants
b. project grants
c. market and promotion grants
d. travel grants.

The board of the Design Fund is responsible for allocating grants from the Design Fund. The Board of the Design Fund may, through the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Innovation and Industry enter into agreements with competent parties for general administration of the fund’s activities.

2. Promotion and applications
The board of the Design Fund promotes the application for grants from the Design Fund in newspapers or in other verifiable ways. Applications must be advertised at least once a year and the application deadline must be at least six weeks. The promotion shall contain information on the purpose and role of the fund, the main points that are taken into account when evaluating applications and where application forms can be found. The application deadline and when applications will be processed shall be specified. The board of the Design Fund may place special emphasis on certain aspects when evaluating applications, and this shall be stated in the advertisement.

Applications must be submitted on the application form of the Design Fund. The application must state how the applicant intends to spend the grant and the following information and documents, as applicable:
a. information about the applicant and partner
b. specify the category applied for
c. information about the career and professional background of the applicant and partner,
d. a short report on the project, main goals and benefits e. work and schedule,
f. budget: estimated costs, income and share of others in the cost of projects and grants,
g. verified data from partners and other data supporting the application.

3. Evaluation of applications
The board of the Design Fund assesses the eligibility of applications and decides on their processing. When granting, care must be taken to ensure that all applications receive fair consideration and that decisions are always based on professional judgment. The evaluation of applications shall be based in particular on the following considerations, as appropriate:
the quality and status of the idea, concept or project
b. the professional background of the applicant.
c. the financial basis of the project
d. the value and importance of the project for Icelandic design and architecture

If the applicant has previously received a grant from the Design Fund, a report must be available on the implementation of the previous project and the disposition of the grant in order for a new application to be considered. Grants are not awarded for the operation and administration of associations, companies and institutions, nor for projects and events that have already taken place. When evaluating applications, the board of the Design Fund can seek the opinions of professionals when deemed necessary.

4. Decision on grants and supervision
The board of the Design Fund decides on grants from the Design Fund on the basis of a professional evaluation of applications and monitors that grants are used for what was mentioned in the applications.

The Board of the Design Fund may make grants conditional on the normal progress of the projects funded. In such cases, the grant will not be paid unless these conditions are met. The board of the Design Fund may also require grant recipients to submit an interim report on the progress of the project, if necessary, to the Design Fund free of charge.

The final payment of the grant amount will generally not be made until the board of the Design Fund has received a report on the project. In the event of a failure to undertake a project, its implementation is delayed excessively or other conditions that the grant may not be subject to within a reasonable time limit, the board of the Design Fund may decide to cancel the grant.

The board of the Design Fund notifies applicants in writing of the processing of applications. Beneficiaries shall also be notified of the conditions to which the grant is subject, the supervision that accompanies it and the penalties, if any. The Ministry of Industry and Innovation is responsible for the payment of grants. Receipt of a grant involves recognition that the grant recipient agrees to the conditions to which the grant is bound. At the end of the project, the grant recipient presents the results to the board of the Design Fund with a written report no later than three months after the end of the project for which the grant was awarded or with an interim report covering the project for more than one calendar year. In such a report, e.g. requested information on
a. progress of the project
b. utilization of grants, breakdown of costs, other grants and income,
c. whether the project’s criteria, goals, work plan, organization and costs have changed and then why. The Design Fund reserves the right to use information and footage about projects that have received grants to promote the fund in collaboration with grant recipients and taking into account the Copyright Act.

5. Grant period
Grants from the Design Fund shall be provided for specific projects. If the grant recipient does not use the grant in accordance with the project schedule, the grant will be canceled, unless a special application is made for a deferral of its payment. The application for a deadline must be in writing and substantiated. The Board of the Design Fund may decide to grant grants or conditions for continued grants for projects lasting longer than one year.

6. Entry into force
These rules are set according to Article 5 of the Rules on the Design Fund from 13 February 2013 and shall enter into force immediately.
Ministry of Education and Culture, 9 July 2013.


1. The role
The role of the Design Fund is to promote innovation and value creation in the field of design and architecture with financial support and advice, and facilitate promotion and marketing abroad that enhances the export of Icelandic design.

2. Revenue
The Design Fund reports to the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Innovation and its revenue is: a. Annual contribution decided by Althingi. b. Other income that the fund may receive.

3. Cost
The cost of operating a design fund is paid from the fund’s income, cf. Article 2.

4. The Board
The Minister of Industry and innovation appoints a five-member board to the fund for a term of three years at a time. The Minister of Education, Science and Culture nominates one representative, the board of the Iceland Design and Architecture nominates three representatives and the Minister of Industry and the Minister of Commerce appoint one without nomination and he is the chairman. An alternate shall be appointed from among the members of the Board of Directors. The same person may not be appointed a member of the board of the Design Fund for more than two consecutive terms.

5. Allocation
Grants from the fund may be awarded to individuals, associations, founders and companies. The fund’s board advertises for applications and distributes from the fund at least once a year on the basis of allocation rules published on the fund’s website. Grant recipients must report on the allocation of grants within three months of the completion of the project. The board of the fund may decide that certain projects have priority in the allocation of grants, provided that this is mentioned in promotional material.

6. Grant project
Development and research grants, project grants, marketing grants, promotional grants and travel grants may be granted, as well as for other projects specified in the allocation rules, cf. Article 5

7. Validity
Rules came into force on 13 February 2013. Ministry of Industry and Innovation 20 June 2014